skeleton in my closet

skeleton in my closet
people refuse to i let them read.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Confidence Has Changed My Life

i have to admit.i think i have the lowest confident level compare to biggest obstacle in gaining my confidence level should be my body.being around skinny and 'non-fat' friends made my confidence level become speak in front others memang bukan benda yang aku akan buat.i was a pasif person.lansung tak aktif.tak involve pun dalam mana2 persatuan since sekolah rendah.then bila sekolah menengah,same things keep happen.

but as i grew up,my environtment change and i've met many wonderful people that transform me to become a better person.uitm buat hidup aku berubah.being a tourism students force me to 'bukak mulut'.macam mana nak jadi tourism person kalau bercakap pun tak nak kan?then aku start become aktive.dalam kelas banyak cakap.tak segan silu lagi nak menjawab or bagi opinion dalam kelas (which was benda yang aku tak buat sangat masa sekolah).then i've started to invole dengan PYOTA(penang youth tourism association).i've become a committe member.started to lead a project on my own even tak grand mana.then involve dengan charity program.sebab PYOTA la aku ada peluang untuk being interview by TV3 and being watch by satu malaysia dalam rancangan BERSAMAMU!(aku jadi sukarelawan untuk rancangan tu).

then bila jadi tourism person dah kena start cakap depan orang.kalau dulu depan classmates sendiri pun aku segan sangat.but then sejak masuk uitm cuak tu dah kurang.tak sebanyak dulu.nak kata tak cuak lansung tu tipu sangat la kan?macam mana tak kurang kalau hampir setiap minggu nak kena present depan makin lama rasa takut memang kurang.

bila aku jadi semakin yakin dengan diri sendiri,i think my life shange 360 life change from dull and boring to a colourful life.seronok  bila exposed kepada dunia luar.

bila hidup aku dah berubah,i realise yang size doesnt matter lagi.i mean being a plus size women bukan alasan untuk aku malu and sia-siakan my life.i just have to ignored what people said and just live my life.size bukan faktor penghalang.yang penting keyakinan.and that's how confidence has change my life.

add on!

bila rasa diri dah yakin,nak menggetis depan camera pun bukan masalah even banyak mata memandang.haha

psttt:walaupun ku tau grammar tunggang langgang,still yakin jugak nak menaip entry rojak ini!ahaha.apa salahnya.its about beeing confident kan? :p


  1. hey dear, non-fat friends? hehe funny..u know girl when i was in form 2 i used to have a slim and skinny body..but my friends always laughing at me aand keep telling me that i am ugly and so-called tulang or i ate alot, much..then im gaining weight and became bigger and bigger and guess what they still laughing at me..u know people never satisfy us.. so, jogging, herbalife and balance diet keep me fit and slim everyday..u should try..hehe..confident3x

  2. Okay lettew ader 'kondifen'.. Go GIRL!

    P/S : aku pun gemuk. so no biggie okay? =)

  3. cehhh.gemuk apanya kalau dh muat pakai skinny jeans.winkwink


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